Every year, thousands of tons of goods are transported from the other side of the world, including steel for anchoring marine installations at sea. The aquaculture industry is one of Norway’s most important industries for the future and is demanding environmentally friendly products. In 2021, Momek and Løvold joined forces to establish a joint company, Momek Løvold AS, which will develop and produce new sustainable products and solutions for the aquaculture industry. A great deal of investment has been made in research, welding robots, and production lines located in Mo industrial park in Mo i Rana.
It was during the gathering organised by Rana Utvikling (RU) and Bodø Regionens Utviklingselskap (BRUS) that the management of Løvold Solution got in touch with the senior management in Momek. During an informal chat about what we were doing and our challenges, it was mentioned that Løvold would like to offer more locally produced anchors to its customers in Norway. The way forward was to form a joint company and write Norwegian industrial history. 14 months after the establishment of Momek Løvold, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy Bjørnar Skjæran was able to officially open the anchor production facility. A great deal of investment has been made in research, welding robots, and production lines located in Mo industrial park in Mo i Rana.

Fiskeri- og havminister Bjørnar Skjæran
This is a milestone that’s worth celebrating. Momek Løvold is showing others the way. Here, a trusted supplier of equipment on the coast has looked towards the industry in Rana and established a collaboration with the largest workshop company in the region
– Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy,
Bjørnar Skjæran
Through efficient production, Nordic steel and optimised design, Momek Løvold will deliver anchors and other products with high quality and a long service life, and with a significantly reduced environmental footprint. It will also predictability in terms of delivery, which is more relevant than ever now after the recent years of pandemic, war, and unrest.
Bringing production home yields more environmentally friendly production with lower transport costs.
We are doing this in order to take an active role in the delivery of sustainable products to the aquaculture industry
– CEO André Løvold of
Løvold Solution and Chair of the Board of MOMEK | LØVOLD