Our customers are our partners. Together, we develop new solutions as a result of ongoing interaction with them and our other partners. We are responsive to the market’s needs and challenges. We are therefore constantly initiating new projects, as well as taking part in collaboration also outside our own premises. We are aware of our role as a business player and wish to contribute to sustainable social development.
We want to be the development itself, not just a part of it.

Nord University and Øvelse Nord together with Løvold establish a national preparedness forum for the aquaculture industry.
The influencer role
We have chosen to take on the role of «influencer». We shall have a clear voice that promotes green growth in blue industries and society in general.
This means that:
· We are open and transparent about our own projects and work
· We share knowledge and resources with those around us
· We seek out new expertise and cooperation
· We upgrade our own goals and ambitions
Inspiring others to take action or change helps us first and foremost to take part in the green transition and the UN’s Sustainability Goals.
Through our work with others, we also influence ourselves. We learn from others, increase our degree of innovation and constantly set new goals.

Studenter fra Nord Universitet skal gjennom kurset “Bærekraft i praksis” bidra til utformingen av Løvold Havpark. Foran: Førsteamanuensis Karin Wigger og Ellisiv Løvold – direktør for marked, relasjon og utvikling i Løvold Solution. Bak: ansatte og ledere fra universitetet, rådgivere fra BDO og konsernsjef Andre Løvold. i Løvold Solution. Foto: Per Torbjørn Jystad
Our most important collaborative projects:
- Nord universitet
- Bærekraftig praksis
- Øvelse Nord – Beredskap for havbruk
- SFI Dsvole (UiT) – Nedbrytbart tau
- Momek Løvold
- Helgeland plastterminal
- Hver Gang Vi Møtes på Kjerringøy
- Shift-plastics (Nordlandsforskning)
Our overriding sustainability goal is:
1. We will be 100% collaborative
We see this part of our business in particular in the context of UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 17.
To succeed in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, new and strong partnerships are needed. Cooperation between the public and private sectors is particularly important for achieving sustainable development.