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The aquaculture industry is one of Norway's most important industries for the future. Momek Løvold will take an active role in the delivery of sustainable products to the aquaculture industry.
Momek and Løvold have joined forces and brought the production of green products to blue industries back home. We have established a joint company, Momek Løvold. Together, we are making Norwegian industrial history.
Read about MOMEK | LØVOLDOffisiell åpning av produksjon av anker
14 måneder etter at vi etablerte MOMEK | LØVOLD, kunne Fiskeri- og havminister Bjørnar Skjæran klippe over en kjetting, som markerte oppstarten til den nye produksjonslinja.
Les mer– A more environmentally friendly alternative
– Produced in Norway with raw materials from the Nordic countries
– Lower CO2 emissions per anchor
– Local value creation
– Short delivery time
Certified in accordance with NYTEK NS 9415:2021
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