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We offer complete systems for mooring fish farms and floating installations at sea – from calculations to finished designs and production.
We offer complete mooring systems, from design, analyses, calculations, procurement of excellent raw materials, high-quality production, and good logistics solutions.
Read moreWe are a manufacturer and supplier of lifting systems to blue industries. As an enterprise of competence, our expert professionals provide advice to achieve optimal and safe solutions to meet your needs.
Read moreFor a producer like us, procuring and shipping raw materials are essential factors in the value chain. Many of today’s products in the aquaculture industry are made of steel produced with coal power and shipped from China to Norway. We have joined forces MOMEK to bring production back home. MOMEK Løvold
will develop and produce new sustainable products and solutions for the aquaculture industry.
Quality at every stage is not just a slogan, it is our working method. We deliver 100% quality and the very best way to achieve this is by having control of the value chain, as we do today.
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